Among other things, BRENDON KAVANAGH bids farewell to Mitre Games and welcomes a new fanzine to the PBM scene, read on...
AS I wipe a tear from my eye, I must sadly inform you of Mitre Games’ demise (at 12:30 on Wednesday June 8). Suffice to say a fair few debts are hanging in the air. I understand that the company was no longer a viable business proposition (large overheads and few GMs being only a minor problem).
What now happens to the players who have credit balances with Mitre? And what of their games? Well, in general, all is not lost. Midgard is returning to the States, so present players will be able to continue playing by Air Mail, without financial loss — hopefully. Global Supremacy is presently up for auction, with several large companies hoping to get hold of the game. Starmaster and Starship Commander may not be so lucky: these two games are time consuming to moderate and may have difficulty in finding a buyer. Whilst Tribes Of Crane has almost certainly had its chips.
I do not know whether any games taken over will continue. Or, if the new owners will take the old players and start them up afresh in a new game: only time will tell. Hopefully, no players should lose any money — the sale of the games should raise enough to refund all credit accounts. I shall keep my ear to the ground.
Ian Lacey has recently sent me a copy of a new PBM fanzine, which he has co-written with Stuart Rimer, cleverly entitled Start-Up (+2 free turns). It’s still in its infancy, though. The small sample copy I received bodes well for the future. An intelligently written editorial, followed by a couple of well planned reviews (including a ‘marks out of ten’ system) and a comprehensive library of rulebooks for readers. More information about Start-Up when I get a production copy. Meanwhile, for information you can write to Ian.
Issue Five of PBM Scroll is currently available. This little organ has really grown since I first plugged it all those months ago. It is now in A5 size with 32 pages, including reviews; a readers chart; hints and tips: a feature on Feudal Lords; a large section dedicated to sports games and much more! John Woods holds all the information.
Next month they’ll be more on KJC’s future plans plus an update on all that’s wild and wonderful in the crazy world of playing by mail...
‘Where was the Avalon section last month?’ I hear you cry. Well, to put it bluntly, I waffled on for too long and subsequently ran out of space. To make up for it, here are the leader tables for both last month and this...
JULY | ||||
Game | Leader | Points | Title | Game |
1 | Borago The Bibulous | 1231 | Knight | 3 |
2 | Frikkon Five Fingers | 1198 | Knight | 2 |
3 | Cogan Lister | 1159 | Knight | 1 |
4 | King D’Susulis Maral | 1032 | Knight | 4 |
5 | Fernorn | 713 | Squire | 5 |
Fernorn, King D’Susulis Maral and Borago The Bibulous have large leads in their own games while other game leaders are being caught by Torak Mentor (1150 points in Game Two) and Simon The Narcolept (1122 points in Game One). Game Five players are doing well considering the fact they’re four times behind the other games. If Fernorn was a player in Game One he would be ninth on that particular game leaderboard. Keep it up!
Congratulations to the Knights, don’t let the new title go to your heads now!
AUGUST | ||||
Game | Leader | Points | Title | Game |
1 | Frikkon Five Fingers | 1644 | Knight | 2 |
2 | Borago The Bibulous | 1545 | Knight | 3 |
3 | Cogan Lister | 1443 | Knight | 1 |
4 | Farmair | 1324 | Knight | 4 |
5 | Fernorn | 1107 | Knight | 5 |
Well, a fair few movements there. Frikkon Five Fingers leaps into first running for that majestic castle, while in Game Four the top position is seized by Faramir from King D’Susulis Maral by only 11 points. Congratulations to Femorn, Game Five’s first Knight. Fernorn is well ahead of the others in that game.
What’s his secret? (Sch — Ed)
Kevin Taylor, an expenenced player in The Chronicles Of The Knights Of Avalon, kindly sent in a long list of informative points. Here are the best...